Historic Timeline

From 1681 until 1729, Pennsylvania's colonial legislature would meet wherever it could find the space, ranging from local taverns, private residences, and town halls to other meeting places. However, by the close of the third decade of the 18th century, population growth made this option unrealistic.


Cornerstone Laying

On May 5, 1904, the cornerstone of the new Capitol was laid by Governor Pennypacker. Architect Huston induced the Capitol Building Commission to have a stone laid on the corner of the center wing just to the right of the main entrance portico.


Civil War Flags Placed in New Capitol Building

June 14, 1914, after architect Joseph M. Huston had finished the new Capitol building, Pennsylvania veterans came together once again to transfer their flags back to the Capitol building. In a heartrending ceremony, the aged warriors placed the colors in custom-made flag cases in the Main Rotunda.